APT performs Feasibility Study and the Business Plan for the establishment of the fish farming aquaculture projects.
Business Plan is prepared for a specific site, with specific production goals. Preliminary data is collected based on Data Collection Manual and Guidelines for Site Selection provided by APT.
Detailed data regarding site conditions and local economic parameters are gathered by a team of APT experts during site visit.
Site inspection includes thorough examination of climatic conditions, soil, water, topography and existing infrastructure. Emphasis is placed on environmental aspects.
Various production alternatives are considered and analyzed and the most feasible one is selected. Production Strategy is developed, facilities needed to carry out the production plan are determined and economic feasibility of the venture is analyzed.
The economic analysis is based on prevailing local costs and conditions units. The Business Plan is prepared in a Bankable format, to enable presentation to local and/or international finance institutions.
The scope and content of the Business Plan are agreed with the client prior to initiation.
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